perfor perfo perf per pe p people peopl peop peo pe p preference preferenc prefere
prefer prefe pref pre pr p product produc produ prod pro pr p perfect perfec
perfe perf per pe p penalty penalt penal pena pen pe p penis peni pen pe p procure
procur procu proc pro pr p predominant predominan predomina predomin predomi
predom predo pred pre pr p pseudo pseud pseu pse ps p promotion promotio promoti
promot promo prom pro pr p pillar pilla pill pil pi p polarisation polarisatio
polarisati polarisat polarisa polaris polari polar pola pol po p part par pa
p preview previe previ prev pre pr p package packag packa pack pac pa p pronunciation
pronunciatio pronunciati pronunciat pronuncia pronunci pronunc pronun pronu
pron pro pr p piss
perfor perfo perf per pe p people peopl peop peo pe p preference preferenc prefere
prefer prefe pref pre pr p product produc produ prod pro pr p perfect perfec
perfe perf per pe p penalty penalt penal pena pen pe p penis peni pen pe p procure
procur procu proc pro pr p predominant predominan predomina predomin predomi
predom predo pred pre pr p pseudo pseud pseu pse ps p promotion promotio promoti
promot promo prom pro pr p pillar pilla pill pil pi p polarisation polarisatio
polarisati polarisat polarisa polaris polari polar pola pol po p part par pa
p preview previe previ prev pre pr p package packag packa pack pac pa p pronunciation
pronunciatio pronunciati pronunciat pronuncia pronunci pronunc pronun pronu
pron pro pr p piss
perfor perfo perf per pe p people peopl peop peo pe p preference preferenc prefere
prefer prefe pref pre pr p product produc produ prod pro pr p perfect perfec
perfe perf per pe p penalty penalt penal pena pen pe p penis peni pen pe p procure
procur procu proc pro pr p predominant predominan predomina predomin predomi
predom predo pred pre pr p pseudo pseud pseu pse ps p promotion promotio promoti
promot promo prom pro pr p pillar pilla pill pil pi p polarisation polarisatio
polarisati polarisat polarisa polaris polari polar pola pol po p part par pa
p preview previe previ prev pre pr p package packag packa pack pac pa p pronunciation
pronunciatio pronunciati pronunciat pronuncia pronunci pronunc pronun pronu
pron pro pr p piss
perfor perfo perf per pe p people peopl peop peo pe p preference preferenc prefere
prefer prefe pref pre pr p product produc produ prod pro pr p perfect perfec
perfe perf per pe p penalty penalt penal pena pen pe p penis peni pen pe p procure
procur procu proc pro pr p predominant predominan predomina predomin predomi
predom predo pred pre pr p pseudo pseud pseu pse ps p promotion promotio promoti
promot promo prom pro pr p pillar pilla pill pil pi p polarisation polarisatio
polarisati polarisat polarisa polaris polari polar pola pol po p part par pa
p preview previe previ prev pre pr p package packag packa pack pac pa p pronunciation
pronunciatio pronunciati pronunciat pronuncia pronunci pronunc pronun pronu
pron pro pr p piss
Washroom Projects
in the basement of The Foundry, London (13 - 18 September 2005)
Washroom Collective on Hackney Town Hall Square (Spice Day), 17 July 2005
Washroom Collective at Angel Station,
11 June 2005
Washroom Collective at
291 Gallery, Being-In-Motion-Event (23 April 2005)
Washroom Collective at
Paddington Station, London (10 April 2005)
Washroom Collective at the Foundry, London (29 March 2005)
Washroom Wall
the Foundry,
London (29 March - 10 April 2005)
Washroom Collective at
Somasoma Magazine Party, London (21 March 05)
Washroom Collective at
Paddington Station, London (12 March 2005)
Washroom Collective
Kings Cross Station, London
(26 Feb 2005)
Washroom Collective at Liverpool Street
Station, London (13 Feb 2005)
Washroom Projects at
Filthy MacNasty's, London (29 Jan 2005)

Washroom Collective
Performance on Hackney Town Hall Square (Spice Day)
Eirini Kartsaki
Jacqueline Mathys
Michael Harland
Owen Glynwr Parry
Jay Rechsteiner
Christina Fornaciari
Irma Pellegrini
Pierre Schmidt
The performance
started at sharp 2 pm and ended at 2:50 pm. The main purpose of this performance
the promotion of the up-coming Washroom
Projects in the staircases of Hackney Empire. Parts of the
performance was
very much about what was happening on the 7th of July - the bombings. However,
was not planned at all. Owen was washing his head in a bucket and then dried
his hair using paper on
which he had written "certain things" as for example "We are
generating ideas for a new performance"
I was shooting at people with a pistol made of Christina's Tesco tea box.
His washing was like
a muslim washing ritual... Well, no offence! And on top of this Irma, Mike,
Jacqueline and Piere were handing out flyers
for the event in the staircases of Hackney Empire. Have a look at the flyer...hmm?
Anyway, Christina was offering tea bags to people she had loved from the first
time she had seen them but as a matter of deepest regret she could not sleep
with. Eirini was standing ready to be part of a tasty Spagetthi meal.
Well, there is a lot to say about the whole thing... but have a look at the
photos and the film and next time somewhere you can see the live thing. It
is much better anyway.
footage by Jacqueline Mathys
die Strasse jetzt!
perfor perfo perf per pe p people peopl peop peo pe p preference preferenc prefere
prefer prefe pref pre pr p product produc produ prod pro pr p perfect perfec
perfe perf per pe p penalty penalt penal pena pen pe p penis peni pen pe p procure
procur procu proc pro pr p predominant predominan predomina predomin predomi
predom predo pred pre pr p pseudo pseud pseu pse ps p promotion promotio promoti
promot promo prom pro pr p pillar pilla pill pil pi p polarisation polarisatio
polarisati polarisat polarisa polaris polari polar pola pol po p part par pa
p preview previe previ prev pre pr p package packag packa pack pac pa p pronunciation
pronunciatio pronunciati pronunciat pronuncia pronunci pronunc pronun pronu
pron pro pr p piss