The Washroom
(interactive site specific performance installation)
Jay Rechsteiner - Chief Artist and founder of TWP
For more info go to profile
mainly responsible
for overall strategy, organisation and
transformation of washroom facilities
this one...
Born in Bangkok (Thailand)to an English father and Thai mother, Achara grew up in Jakarta (Indonesia) and Bangkok. At the age of 17 she left Bangkok to come to England and study Drama and Theatre at Royal Holloway, University of London. In 2004 she graduated from University and has since been living and working in London, searching for truth and meaning in her art and in her life.
Eirini Kartsaki
- performer
Eirini Kartsaki creates work within the realms of performance and live art; her primal motives are curiosity and the attempt to discover a way of living that has to do with what the self really needs, a step away from the ideas that our background is forcing us to embrace. Coming from a religious and strict background, she is working with ideas of emotional and sexual human relationships, heart boundaries, loneliness and personal identity. She is also interested in repetition, movement and text based work. She has performed in various venues in London (291 Gallery, Hackney Empire, Whitechapel Gallery, The Place) and has collaborated with directors, choreographers and fine artists in works of art within the ideas of interaction with the audience, duration and improvisation.
Christina Fornaciari comes from a background of political engagement through the use of Performance. Her work explores the utilization of artistic expression as a weapon against social domination.
In Brazil she developed a series of activities focussed on the raise of socio-political awareness within the less privileged economical classes.
At the moment Christina Fornaciari is based in London where she studies an MA in Performance and works with Live Art. Her main artistic interests include the exploration of alternative theatrical spaces, the social rituals of everyday life and the break of barriers between spectator and performer.
"Every people and every man who wants to become ripe needs an enveloping madness " Friedrich Nietzsche
mainly responsible for filming interactive site specific performance installation and assisting Jay Rechsteiner
Jacqueline Mathys is a painter and sculptor from Switzerland residing in London, UK. The work you can view on this site is made in Tanger (Morrocco), Basel (Switzerland) and London (UK).
Date of
birth: 09/12/1976
Place of birth: Basel-City, Switzerland
Nationality: Swiss
College of Art and Design, Switzerl.
1995-1999 Abakus Natural Stone: apprenticeship
a sculptor, Switzerl.
1994-1995 Practical course with sculptor Alex
Joanna Woodward
Kingston Polytechnic First Class BA honors fine art.
Fine Art
Saint Martins School Of Art 1987
artist Lewisham College created a giant wall collage 40'X5' with participation
from over 1,000 people and 'Walking' a multi-media video, which explores the
twilit world of pathways, journeys and life choices we encounter as we move
from cradle to grave. I filmed 50 people taking footsteps. In an ebb and flow
of moods and weathers, the film creates a metaphor for the journey through
life where at the end people clamber up a pencil scribble of staircase into
a universe of hand-painted and crayoned stars and moons.
Filmed the bodies of 5 X Boyfriends in extreme close up using their bodies
like landscapes. Showing work in the Ardean Gallery, Cork street London in
an exhibition on the theme of Love, Jan 2004
2003: Visiting artist Royal College of Art.
2003 - Created digital installation 'Sally Down The Plug Hole' , which involves a woman having a bath before disappearing into a new world, 2004, shown at the ICA in the Halloween Film Festival also shown at the 291 Gallery and Orleans House Gallery in an exhibition called Digi-Monde on the theme of painters of modern life.
1998-2000 Received an artist's bursary to live and work in The Fire Station Tower Hamlets, other artists included Martin Creed and Perminer Kaur and Lindsay Seers see July 2004 A-N Magazine.
During this time, created five three-dimensional installations using animation that explore the effects of interaction with an environment and the change that this makes on the perception of time. I had an installation in an exhibition in Sheffield 'Haunted'. I was chosen as one of the international artists to represent 'Michelin 2000' in an exhibition launched in Paris subsequently Michelin purchased my work.
1997 - I wrote and directed a short film 'The Cat' commissioned by Carlton Television for their 'Showcase for Artists Film and Video.' Also created a short film about a pair of melting high heels for the opening of the new Lux Cinema.
1995-1996 Received a development award for experimental screen writing from The London Production Fund and another one from The British Film Institute.
1996-1996 Channel 4 Television commissioned me to write and direct' Sawdust For Brains And The Key Of Wisdom' a mixed media film shown on television.
I was interviewed on the British television program 'Moving Pictures' in connection with the above to discuss the use of 'trick photography' in the process of filmmaking.
Sawdust For Brains And The Key Of Wisdom was shown in two special cinema programmes called 'A Showcase For The Avant-garde' and 'Grotesque Imaginings' at the National Film Theatre as well as on television.
1992-1993- Collaborated with the I.O.U. Theatre Company we devised and created a film called 'The Weatherhouse'. The film was commissioned by Yorkshire arts and BBC Television. This toured Britain and appeared in London at the ICA, The Weatherhouse was shown on television. During this rime I also had a one woman show at the City Gallery in Leicester.
1990 - The Brooch Pin And The Sinful Clasp,' written and directed by myself and starring Rose English as a giant that lives at the top of a tower block, won several awards including, the Grand Prix at Zagreb film festival, The Time Out Film Award, The Observer Award and The Directions Award, this film also toured part of an Arts Council program called 'Between Imagination and Reality'.
2004-The Art Of Love-Exhibition catalogue
South London Press, feature on my artists residency with Lewisham College 06/02/04
Times Educational Supplement section on residency at Lewisham, 12/12/04
2000 exhibition catalogue of international artists, Paris exhibition.
1996 -A Directory of British Film and Video Artists- Arts Council Of England/University
of Luton Press
1990-ICA Biennial of film and Video, Between Imagination and Reality.
1996-Sawdust For Brains And The Key Of Wisdom was shown in two special cinema programmes 'A Showcase For The Avant-garde' and 'Grotesque Imaginings' at the National Film Theatre and international festivals
Creative Review 1990, & 1994
Film work
shown in international film festivals 1989 Annecy Animation Festival,
1990 Zagreb, London, Krakow, Hiroshima, Annecy, Stuttgart festivals etc.
1991 -Artists Newsletter (a feature on my work)
1997- Various film work shown Stuttgart, London Film Festival, National Film Theatre.
1987-Experimental Film showing at The Tate Gallery
1986-87 Video work shown in The Whitechapel Open Exhibition, London.
1988-Painting shown Camden Open
1977-The New Contemporaries at the ICA, ( prize-winner )and also work shown in 1988.
2004-Fusion Radio, a South London radio station half hour interview about my residency in South London Feb.
1992-British television program on Channel 4, 'The State Of The Art,' examined the moving image in art, interview showing excerpts of my work.
1996-BBC 2 program about the new directors slot, 10X10, including excerpts from my work.
1996-Television program Moving Pictures on Channel 4, to discuss the use of 'trick photography' in the process of filmmaking, excerpts from my work were also shown.
The Artist Owen Glyndwr Parry is a live artist/ performance artist working within the realms of theatre and fine art, intenting to blend and merge the both.
Owen's theatre based background; both academic and cultural (Insisting that his Welsh upbrigning was theatricality in its own right) has brought him to question the overall concepts of theatre, and what it means 'to perform'. Moving him each time further away from the conventionalities and restrictions imposed by traditional theatre practice towards a more liberal process and creativity.
Through this process Owen has experimented and researched with actors, dancers, visual artists, designers, painters and the general public, and feels more freedom in expressing themes and issues in his work through a more 'experimental' medium. Issues surrounding the self, and cultural identity, queers, and the co modification of 'being' are key themes in his work.
Brief Biography
January 1999
of community performance group in South Wales.
September 2001 -2005
Ba/Hons Hispanic studies and Drama at Queen Mary University of London
1 Year Erasmus grant exchange with Universidad de Granada, Spain
March 2003
'Inlibidos' with company 'Tres Bizzare', Performance at 'THE SPACE', London. Exploring ideas of cultural and sexual identity.
May 2003
with company 'Tres Bizzare', Performance
at 'THE SPACE', London. Owen takes a look at life as a 1950's housewife in
the west.
December 2003
'ManifestaciÓn pa' Navidad' with street performance company 'Cucurucu', Granada, Spain. A site specific performance with an activist group, exploring 'our' concept of christmas.
November 2004
with performance partner Rebecca Collins at 'EAST END COLLABORATIONS LIVE
(Commisioned by 'Live art development agency' and 'English arts Council').
The two friends meet for the first time in exactly 2 months infront of a live
audience, and explore the space updating eachother on their lives since seperation
via Video diary and the process of writing lists across the floor, and eventually
across the canvas of their bodies.
of the highlights at 'East End Collaborations 2004' was his Listus, a collaboration
with his close friend and artistic companion Rebecca Collins. The piece, dealing
with friendship and personal connections, marked Parry and Collins' emotionally
charged reencounter after two months of separation."
Pablo Pakula, Scene 4 magazine
September - December 2004
Weekly resident at 'Tammy's Art and Beauty Saloon' as part of the 'Performance composition course' Queen Mary University of London. Work in progress and a final performance of '12.07pm a performance for a stranger'. An intimate one2one performance, where the spectator is given one match and are asked to remove their shoes, They are then led into the darkness and onto a comfortable bed .
Siris Patel -
advisor and assistant of Jay Rechsteiner
2nd DAN, MA, BA (Hon)
Advisor to The Washroom Projects Core Team, working alongside members to ensure artistic honesty and integrity primarily resides. Assistant to TWP Founder and Artist-in-chief, Jay Rechsteiner. General responsibilities to the TWP communication and finance strategy.
With several years within the media industry and strongly linked academic background, it is my firm belief that The Washroom Projects led by Jay Rechsteiner will be one of the most successful art movements of our time. A simply compelling, emotional and dynamic environment that attracts ambitious artists from all over the world. The growing intensity of the TWP Core Team is the catalyst for ground breaking conceptual thinking and realisation to completion.
Sophie Evans - performer
Eunji Kim - film
"We need to articulate ourselves otherwise we're no different from cows in the field"
- Werner Herzog
The sadness, the happiness, the coldness, the foolishness, the nothingness, the fullness, the craziness, the emptiness of my days. I see them linger, sigh, laugh, caress around me. I have no other choice than embracing them all before it gets too late, dead. There are too many 'I don't know's and we're walking on the road of tomorrows no one knows. I want to know, I want to understand, I want to see, I want to touch - you, me, him, her, us, them and yesterdays, todays and tomorrows. That's why I make films, perhaps.
Eunji founded together with Jay Rechsteiner the arts project zeiTraum.
Jonathan studied contemporary dance and acting in Canada. He performed in several production (TV commercials, dance TV programmes, movies, theatre shows) and was a member of The Mackinaw Dance Company and The Grasshoppa Dance Exchange.
Paron Mead - Performer
Paron is
president of the University of the Arts' Performance Collective and full time
student of Theatre: Design for Performance BA at Central St Martins.
Rational. Obsessive. Excitable. Psuedo-bohemian. Sincere. Loner.
CV avaliable upon request
Lina B.
Frank - Perfomer
Every performance starts off with individual performances by the member of The Washroom Collective (TWC). Through interaction with each other and the audience the individual performances merge together and form a group which can stay as a group till the end or split into different subgroups depending on the location, the basic story line and the general direction of a specific performance.
main goals
exploration of the:
- individual
- group
- location
- hidden
website 2005 - will be updated soon
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