J A Y R E C H S T E I N E R jayrechsteiner@hotmail.com
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part of John Wayne is Gay
The Duke Show is an interactive installation representing a funfair shooting gallery. Visitors are allowed to shoot at the targets with an air rifle.
Native American Indians
- Communists
- Black People
- Hippies
The targets represent groups of people that John Wayne considered lazy, dangerous and anti-social.
'John Wayne's America is based on white, middle-class, capitalist supremacy. The California he knew as a youth was relatively nonethic, except for the Hispanic element, which Wayne embraced in three marriages. Native American, blacks, and Asians, on the other hand, have reason to accuse the Duke of racism, and many have.' DUKE - the Life and Image of John Wayne, page 11 by Ronald L. Davis
The size of the gallery can be adjusted to the available space. It is mainly made of wood and is to be built individually for each display of the installation.
The image is taken from http://www.bmigaming.com, Sega. The image serves a model
Copyright © 2006, Jay Rechsteiner. All Rights Reserved.