Jay Rechsteiner




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Collection of Stolen Goods Number 12

A collection of stolen goods to be exhibited in the same way as below:

(source of image: http://www.themercury.com.au/article/2009/03/12/60815_tasmania-news.html)

stolen goods

The goods are to be stolen within two weeks before showing them at an art event, exhibition. Each individual good is to be labelled (info re place and time of theft, value).

Background (development of thought still in progress)

  • People produce goods in order to satisfy some wants, desires and/or needs and thus have economic value which is measured in currency. These goods have the ability to render certain conditions and circumstances into something relatively positive. This means that besides being positive the production & distribution of goods may also have a negative impact on people (creating new needs, greed) and the environment.
  • We call goods goods as they fill a lack although they are not seen as morally righteous but rather hold an indifferent status.
  • As most of the goods we produce have no real value but rather an artificially given value due to created needs goods may represent a certain oppression as they 'force' people to spend their money on them.



Copyright © 2006, Jay Rechsteiner. All Rights Reserved.